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Quality Software

Development with SCRUM

In Adaptus we work with traditional methodologies but we have also joined the world of agility

Turnkey Service

We offer turnkey modality, where your only concern will be to use the finished product.

todoBPM Cloud

WorkFlow in the cloud.

Does not require additional infrastructure. There are variety of plans depending on your requirements.

Plataforma Integración SEC cloud

Cumplimiento de Oficio SEC – Integración Reclamo Ciudadano.

No requiere infraestructura propia.

Fácil y rápida implementación.

Mantenciones provenientes desde la SEC incluidas.

Soporte incluido.

Custom Applications

We offer an integral service for the application development , which goes from the taking of requirements with the user, going through the software architecture , the control of the project and the optimization of the processes.

Masking and Encryption

Masking of sensitive data that are used in non-productive environments.

Application Server

We specialize in installation, configuration and support of application servers such as:

Oracle WebLogic
Oracle IAS

Oracle Database

We are experts on administration database services, including We are experts in database administration services, including:

Tunning & Performance.
Optimization of queries and processes.

Virtual Machines

Creation, Installation, Configuration and maintenance

Oracle VM
KVM & XEN (RedHat)

Oracle Portal

As an administrator, you can grant different levels of access to groups of complete pages, specific pages, separators and even certain elements of a page.

Our Products

todoBPM Site

With todoBPM we offer you as a product:

Customized developments.
Connectors with External Systems.
Business processes
Information for management and control.

Oracle Workflow

We implement a customization of WorkFlow to your systems so that it adapts to your organization.

We analyze business processes
We model business processes
Development of application for your Intranet
We implement connections with your external channels

Data Masker

We offer a data masker which works on Oracle database

Multimedia Touch System

The Multimedia Touch System allows you to implement modules with multimedia content and make an interactive gallery available to the public at your fingertips through an intuitive interface that allows a superior experience.

About us

Adaptus is an information technology company, which seeks to meet the needs of its customers, providing advice, products and services. It has a team of professionals, experts in various technologies, who emphasize communication to discover the true needs of customers.

We have methodologies that ensure the quality of the software so that it is complete, scalable and reliable. Our professionals have a strong sense of commitment and a high level of specialization, thus ensuring the required support in a timely and efficient manner

The constant appearance of new products and technologies means that we are always concerned about the research and training of our professionals so that we can deliver the best solution according to their needs.

Our Customers

AFP Habitat


Banco Falabella




CMR Falabella


Seguros Mesos




Empresa Eléctrica Municipal de TilTil




Coperativa Eléctrica Curicó


Nuestros Partners

Contact us